
Fotografie Susanne Middelberg
Corona heeft de trainingswereld op zijn kop gezet. Online trainen blijkt in bepaalde vaardigheidstrainingen een goed alternatief. Ik heb mijzelf als trainingsacteur verder ontwikkeld (offline en online). Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en coachend leiderschap vind ik naast mediation en coaching interessante onderwerpen waarin ik mijzelf verder wil en kan ontwikkelen.
Diabetes van mijn dochter heeft mijn prive wereld op zijn kop gezet. Inmiddels is het 2 jaar geleden maar nog altijd een dagelijkse struggle om hiermee om te gaan. Het is nog belangrijker om te doen waar mijn hart ligt en waar ik energie van krijg….
Acteren blijft voor mij altijd boeiend.
Alle facetten van acteren heb ik door de jaren heen mogen ervaren.
Dit jaar zal in het teken staan van trainingsacteren.
Wat valt daar verder nog in te ontdekken en te ontwikkelen?
Wat ga ik daar persoonlijk allemaal van opsteken?
Ik volg de 1-jarige WWLA opleiding ‘Trainingsacteren’ in Amsterdam
Teamrollen Belbin, DAS Model, Kernkwadranten, Transactional
Analyse, STAR, ABC gedrag, agressietraining, Roos van Leary &
RET en Assessment
by letmemakeyouashowreel from Dennis Overeem
Proud of my new short movie. Starring and producing is a great challenge, but I did it. See here the trailer. Patch is an eye-catching short comedy about a peculiar definition of friendship. It’s a short film (11 minutes) with a chilling plot in the picturesque surroundings of the island of Guernsey. Narcissistic Charlotte has three values in life: beauty, success and admiration from her online followers and men. She cannot bear the absence of these qualities in her heart broken friend during a weekend away in Guernsey. Charlotte’s lack of compassion for her BFF leads to her…
Sometimes dreams come true, although it can take a couple of decades….A girl’s dream I had is coming true. Last week ‘Patch’, an international short film, was screened before its first live audience; friends, family, crew, production team and befriended film professionals. It was a great evening in a cheerful atmosphere in the lively in Amsterdam-West. Background story: ‘Patch’ had to be accessible to a broad international audience and we wanted to film at an exceptional – preferably foreign – location. DutchCheez, Marinda van ’t Hoff & Karen Spanjer, travelled to the beautiful, but quite remote…
In February I took of to London for a two days master class Chekhov acting. Acting is a craft and needs a lot of practice. So after spending quite a lot of time on production activities, I was suffering from serious withdrawal symptoms and I felt my acting skills needed attention and new input. During my years of drama training I have worked with different methods. In my work I extract elements from Meisner, Method, Chubbuck and other approaches, but I did not have the chance to experience the appealing Chekhov approach. Unfortunately, Chekhov acting classes are hard to find in…
And we have lift off! Only 3 days ’till we start with the shooting of the short film Patch on the island of Guernsey. DutchCheez producer Karen already knows the island quite well. One of her best friends emigrated there to run a picturesque Fawlty Towers-like hotel: Le Chêne Hotel. This is how she discovered the idyllic island, so her visits became a regular thing. The island is a magical place: it feels like it is far away from the rest of the world; like a little paradise and at the same time it can be sort of a no-man’s…